Nick J Harvey is an ‘indie’ blues/rock guitarist, composer, producer, mixer and singer/songwriter.

Nick J Harvey’s mission is simple: “To be able to move people emotionally with my playing. Ultimately if I can make people happier or even help them to have a better day then I’ve done my job”

As a “Neo-Bluesman” Nick is looking to expand the horizons of blues-inspired rock, while faithfully paying homage to its authentic and original roots.

Searching for inspiration, his ears were opened-wide and charred by the fiery sounds of Howlin’ Wolf and Buddy Guy. His mind was further altered with the discovery of the 60’s British blues guitar-players, pointing to the endless possibilities and twists that Blues music can offer.

As a third-generation guitarist, Nick’s earliest memories came from his father’s and grandfather’s music. Whilst his father rocked to reverb-drenched, 60’s guitar sounds of the Shadows, and the thunderous sounds of Surf music, his grandfather swung out with 30’s and 40’s jazz, inspired by Django Reinhardt’s fiery guitar solos.

One warm, summer’s day, at the age of 17, Nick accompanied his dad to his local, guitar shop. While wondering around the guitar shop, he paused for a moment and then looked up. Right before him, hanging up on the wall above, was a shiny, black and white Fender Stratocaster – the ultimate rock guitar!

It happened in an instant, “Man, I want to play the hell of out that!” and a week later he was a proud owner of a new guitar.

18 months later, he won his first talent contest with his very own, black and white Fender Stratocaster.

During the 90’s he played with his own band “The Rhythm Section”, performing Blues classics mixed with experimental and improvisational Acid Rock.

Throughout the 2000’s most of Nick’s work was spent in the dark corners of his studio producing backing tracks for singers, gradually honing his studio craft. Nick’s own style of guitar is aggressive, soulful, and biting. As Nick says, “Any time the guitar is played it’s about serving the emotion or the song’s mood most of all”.

During 2011 Nick played with Wilful Damage, adding a bluesy rock-feel to a fast playing and aggressive Cow Punk band.

For the last 10 years Nick has been developing his studio craft, his own sound, using his multi-instrumentalist skills. He has worked as session musician, arranger, producer and also as a mixer/mastering engineer, while honing his craft. Various projects included singer/song writers recordings, TV/Movie music library tracks projects, a Xmas EP and Album, his own EP and upcoming new releases in 2022.

His mission is to take many of the ideas and approaches from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s great guitar players and present the listener with their own traditional, yet modern, inspired twists for a today's audience. 

“I’m looking to take sounds from classic blues records, add those spices and take it one step in a new direction. I want to excite the listener and take them along a musical journey”, says Nick.

Nick’s approach to song writing/composing/production is the same as his guitar playing - aggressive, soulful, punchy, sonically rich and even at times minimalist.

New music, tours and live streams are planned for 2022. Stay tuned.

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